BIRDS (Bulk Import Reduced Data Set) or Bulk Clearance as it is also known allows traders to declare two or more low-value consignments in a single declaration when importing goods to the UK. It is mostly used for eCommerce shipments.
BIRDS doesn’t place a limit on the number of items that can be cleared in one declaration. Instead, importers can clear unlimited items up to the value of £135 per consignee, without having to pay duty on the goods. This can save eCommerce traders thousands of pounds in duty.
BIRDS replaced LVBI (Low-Value Bulking of Import) and effectively removed the previous distinction between low-value (less than £15) and medium value (less than £135). Low-value now covers any items with a value less than £135.
To take advantage of BIRDS clearance you must physically bring your goods to our warehouse as part of the customs clearance process.
Most importers don’t have the capacity to regularly clear thousands of eCommerce parcels, which is where UKPW can step in. We have many customs authorisations including BIRDS, making us one of only a few companies in the UK to be fully BIRDS authorised and AEO accredited. All consignments are customs cleared through our ETSF in the Aylesbury warehouse.
Most traders have a mixture of low and high-value goods, so by manifesting your low and high-value items separately you can customs clear your goods correctly and pay the correct amount of duties and taxes.
We offer a speedy turnaround from arrival, through customs clearance to actual dispatch to the final mile carriers.
What really separates UKPW from just another customs agent is our managed returns solutions combined with seamless duty drawback when goods are returned.
For more information, please get in touch with our team.